Friday, July 5, 2013

July officially is the 6th month mark. It is becoming more and more real that I will be leaving my home and my loved ones. I try to console myself with the kind words of, “It’s not that big of a deal", and yes, it isn’t and people move away constantly. However the first time is always hard, and to my relatives it is a big deal. 

Every big event and holiday from now on I think of as my last one in California for a while. Yesterday was Independence Day, and for sure my last one for a couple years at least. The day was a beautiful one, where new friendships were made, old ones were kindled, and memories shaped by the handful. Though when I got home that night and saw my family sitting on our roof together, I felt a pang of sadness that I didn’t get to spend it with them. I would not have changed my day in the least, it just evoked feelings that will be surfaced more often. 
When I first had this idea of going, I don’t believe I factored in the actual part of me leaving. I just looked only to what I was going to face while there. Now as it is real and so close, some unthought-of realities are appearing. As said before; I’ve grown. And watching the beauty of the fireworks light up the night sky, by fellow citizens celebrating our great country, I couldn’t help but to think to myself: “I love where I’m from".
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